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product introduction
产品特点: 选用世界本田汽油发动机-HONDA,日本NHK轴承,整机采用日本先进技术,无极变速,性能优越。产品工艺精美、质量上乘、使用寿命长。把手高度可上下调节,折叠后运输、收藏更方便。
Features: Using the world famous Honda gasoline engine-HONDA, Japan's NHK bearings, machine adopts advanced technology in Japan, stepless variable speed, superior performance. Product process fine, high quality, long life. Handle height can adjust, folding after the transport, collection and more convenient.
适用范围: 本产品结构合理,体积小,激振力大,转换场地方便。适用于压实沥青路面、人行道、桥梁、停车场、体育场地及其他狭窄场地压实作业,是公路、市政部门对维护、修补沟槽、街道、广场狭小地带的理想设备。
Scope: This product has reasonable structure, small volume, vibration force, converting the convenience. Applicable to compaction of asphalt pavement, sidewalks, bridges, car parks, sports venues and other confined space compaction, highway, municipal departments of maintenance, repair groove, streets, squares ideal for a narrow zone.
Product Information
型号 YZ0.45 YZ0.6
发动机功率 5.5HP 5.5Hp
发动机 汽油机 汽油机
行走速度 2.4km/h 2.4km/h
驱动方式 机械驱动 液压驱动
行走方式 单向 双向
钢轮尺寸 450×450mm 450×600mm
激振力 12kN 20kN
激振频率 70Hz 70Hz
振动离合方式 手动 自动
爬坡能力 25% 25%
重量 235kg 300kg